Shipping & Returns

Destination Cost Est. Delivery Time
New Zealand Free 1 - 3 days
Australia $30 1 - 3 days (DHL EXPRESS)

2 - 4 days (DHL EXPRESS)
Rest of World

2 - 4 days (DHL EXPRESS)


To ensure efficient delivery, please enter all contact details including phone number and email address when placing an order.

Please note that the above delivery times do not include processing time. Your order will be processed as soon as possible within standard business hours, usually within 1-2 working days. Once your order has been shipped, we will send an email confirmation with tracking details.

Your shipment will be delivered Monday – Friday during business hours. Please supply a physical residential or business address where someone will be available to sign for your order. For security purposes, all shipments must be signed for. Parcels cannot be left by request. We are unfortunately unable to ship to PO Boxes. Rural addresses may take additional delivery time. 

Any additional fees incurred due to insufficient delivery information, re-delivery, delivery refusal or multiple failed attempts will be charged to the purchaser.



We confidently ship international orders with our partner DHL Express.

All international shipments may be subject to import duties, customs charges and/or other additional fees upon entering your country, at the responsibility and liability of the purchaser. As these charges are set by the receiving country, they can vary depending on the country you are ordering from. We advise you to contact your local customs office for further information.

All care is taken to efficiently deliver your order, however LOCLAIRE takes no responsibility for delays due to customs clearance procedures. 



All prices indicated any payments made on are in NZD dollar currency. All prices are GST inclusive.



LOCLAIRE operates under the New Zealand Fair Trading Act and the Consumer Guarantees Act.

Our sizing is based on standard New Zealand sizing, and basic measurements are listed on each product page. Please see our sizing chart for conversions. If you have any questions regarding a style, please email us at, we are more than happy to help you out with fit, measurements and/or photos as much as possible. We’re here to help provide as much information as you need before you purchase, so we can minimise our carbon footprint. When you have received your item, please be careful with jewellery, make up and perfume when trying on, as we are unable to accept returns affected by these.

 Conditions of Return:

  • Only full price in-stock items purchased from are eligible to return.
  • Customised or altered made-to-order pieces are not eligible for returns or exchanges.
  • Due to health and safety standards eyemasks are not eligible for return.
  • Your item(s) must be as new: unworn, unaltered and unwashed, in original packaging with all tags attached.
  • Returned items will be issued with an exchange or credit note. Refunds will be offered on a case by case basis.
  • Returns must be made within 7 days of receiving your order.
  • Items must be returned via tracked courier.
  • The purchaser is responsible for any return shipping costs, including local duties & taxes applicable to international orders.

If you would like to initiate a return, please contact us at as soon as possible. Please advise your order number, the reason for return, and if you require an exchange or credit note. A confirmation email will be sent to you including our return address details and further instructions. Items must be returned via tracked courier. LOCLAIRE is not responsible for any returned items lost in transit.

Once the item(s) have been received they will be quality checked to ensure they are as new condition with all packaging and tags in place. If eligible, we will then process your exchange, credit note, or refund, and you will receive a confirmation from us via email. Refunds will be processed in New Zealand dollars (NZD) in the original payment method. Any change to exchange rates at the time of return is beyond our control.

Please note due to hygiene reasons, underwear and masks sales are final and cannot be returned or exchanged. All sale items are final and cannot be cancelled, returned or exchanged, unless faulty.

If you feel you have received a faulty product, please email us at with a thorough description and clear photos of the fault. We will assess the issue and if deemed faulty, endeavor to repair or replace the item in the first instance. Failing this, we will issue you with a refund, exchange or credit note. In the case of faulty returns, we will cover the return shipping cost.